ABC Happy Police Station

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"No Toy Town is complete without a police force and every police car needs a place to work! The ABC Happy Police Station is a perfect addition to every Toy Town. It is full of features like a starting ramp, turntable on the roof, picture roundabout, opening doors and windows and a prison to lock up all those criminals. The Happy Police Station comes complete with 2 freewheel vehicles which have the cheeky faces synonymous with all ABC Roll n Rail cars. - Size 17 x 49 x 30 cm - includes 2 cars (9cm each) - starting ramp - turntable - picture roundabout - opening doors and windows - suitable for ages 2 and up "

Features and Benefits:


  • Playing with toy cars build a child’s fine motor skills. They develop hand-eye coordination and dexterity in both their hands as kids pick up, carry, throw, push and pull toy cars around.
  • Toy cars teach kids about trajectory as they launch their mini cars off a loop-de-loop. They learn about velocity, distance, gravity, weight and so much more.
  • Children come across vehicles frequently in their daily lives, so they like to incorporate these in small world play, too. Imaginative play allows children to exercise their creativity and helps them make sense of the world around them.
  • Children can become familiar with the different vehicles through play. Some toys also introduce children to roles in the community. This builds on their knowledge of the world.
  • Toy vehicles can be played with independently, but children also love to race each other! This encourages children to share and negotiate (for example, deciding who gets the special

Age 2+